Greetings new and returning Myers families!

City School District of 91 tree logo.

The following is an important message from Principal William Rivers:

Welcome to the start of the 2023-24 school year!  We are so excited to welcome your child back to our building. Our teachers and staff continue to work together to prioritize student safety, relationships and establish a genuine enthusiasm for learning! 


Students continue to be eligible for transportation to and from school based on the district’s standard criteria: all students living 1.5 miles or more from school and all students whose Individualized Education Plan (IEP) requires specialized transportation. Students receiving specialized transportation will ride yellow buses operated by First Student.  All other eligible middle school students in the district ride CDTA.

Students eligible to ride CDTA buses will have their student ID activated to use as their bus pass.  CDTA allows a two-week grace period at the start of each school year (through Friday, Sept. 22 this year) when all students are allowed to ride without a pass.  CDTA will continue to provide Tripper buses for our students in the morning and afternoon and eligible students can also ride any regular CDTA bus using their activated student IDs.

Please watch for more information about our CDTA 801 tripper routes and schedules later this month.

Student Orientation Days Sept. 7-8

In an effort to ensure a smooth transition back to school for all students, the district has dedicated Sept. 7-8 as Student Orientation Days.  The goal of these two days is to welcome students back to school in smaller groups in order to provide time for them to get comfortable with their schedules, building-wide expectations, health and safety protocols, and their school lockers. Please note that attendance will be taken.

We will provide schedules and locker assignments during these Student Orientation Days and students will receive a copy of their schedule in the mail and copies will be available upon arrival, as well.

These orientation days will also provide our students with the opportunity to participate in small sessions to better familiarize themselves with school protocols related to Social Emotional Behavior (SEB), hallway transitions, lunch/study hall routines and arrival and dismissal procedures.

  • Thursday, Sept. 7
    • Grade 6 Sage
    • Grade 7 Union
    • Grade 8 Siena
    • Students in Mrs. Peck, Mrs. Seay, and Mrs. Busch’s classes
  • Friday, Sept. 8
    • Grade 6 SUNY 91
    • Grade 7 RPI
    • Grade 8 St. Rose
    • Students in Mr. Underwood, Mrs. Conklin and  Mr. Weklar’s classes

On these orientation days, students will enter through the main entrance in their grade level line and participate in routine security protocols where student bags will be checked.  Please be reminded that no sharp objects (including pointed scissors, hair picks, knives, blades, glass bottles or glass cologne/perfume dispensers) are permitted in school at any time, for any reason.  

Following the routine scan, students will pick up their schedules from a pre-assigned grade-level line based on alphabetical order by last name.  After students receive their schedules, they will proceed to the cafeteria, gymnasium or auditorium. School staff will be strategically located to support students in locating their classrooms throughout the day.

Student attendance and schedules

Monday, Sept. 11 will be the first full day of school for all students.  Breakfast will begin at 7:30 a.m. and first period starts promptly at 8:03 a.m. The school day will conclude at 2:52 p.m. with a staggered dismissal through 3 p.m.  Students will be dismissed in the following order:

  • 2:52 p.m.: walkers, student pickup and first CDTA Tripper via announcements
  • 2:54 - 2:58 p.m.: remaining Trippers will dismiss via announcements
  • 3 p.m.: First Student, sports/clubs will dismiss via the bell

Upon entering the building, we will provide students with three options: cafeteria for breakfast, gymnasium for athletic play or the auditorium to socialize/complete homework.  


All students will eat lunch in the cafeteria during their scheduled time. Students will have the choice of bringing their own lunch to school or selecting a free hot item provided each day. Each block will consist of a lunch period opposite a study hall. As a reminder, ordering food is not permitted (GrubHub, Uber Eats, etc.). 

Student supply lists

Available on our school’s page on the district website

School Messenger

Stay in the know about all things Stephen and Harriet Myers Middle School. If you aren’t already a member, sign up for SchoolMessenger.

Cell Phone Expectations

Students are required to have all mobile devices off and away throughout the school day.  During the school day, students are not permitted to access their cell phones. If a student is using their cell phone at any point during the day, the following will occur:

  • A school monitor will be called to collect the phone
  • The monitor will then turn the device over to the Director of Security
  • Director of Security will then contact the guardian to inform them of the infraction and enter student information into the tracking system
  • The phone must be picked up by the guardian
  • Persistent non-compliance will result in progressive discipline

As a technology forward school, it is a top priority to teach and promote digital citizenship and that includes limiting cell phone use to appropriate times. Our teachers and staff have overwhelmingly agreed that a consistent and school-wide expectation will help students stay more present and engaged in their learning. Our intent is to support our scholars in realizing their academic success, remove a major temptation and promote positive face-to-face social interactions and connection.

If a student needs to contact a parent/guardian during the school day, teachers will issue passes to the office where the student may use the office phone during their lunch periods. Of course, any emergency will be directly communicated from the school to our families. In addition, if a parent/guardian wishes to reach the student, or have a message relayed to the student during school hours, please feel free to call the main office at (518) 475-6425.

Summer Transition Camp - Grade 6

The Summer Transition Camp is a five-day program open to all students entering grade 6 at Stephen and Harriet Myers Middle School.  The camp is designed to help students get off to a smooth start to the school year. The Summer Transition Camp will be Aug. 21-25 from 8 -11:30 a.m. each day. Special education students in grade 6  will receive this orientation on Sept 7-8 and should not report to Transition Camp.

Sixth-grade students will have opportunities to learn strategies to enhance study skills and note-taking abilities as well as engage in various team-building activities designed to promote a safe and secure learning environment. We hope that all incoming sixth graders take advantage of this fun opportunity. 

Students who have not yet submitted an application to participate in the Summer Transition Camp can still register by reporting to the cafeteria on the first day Monday, Aug. 22.

Parent Information Night 

Parent information Night will be held in the Myers auditorium on Tuesday, Aug.  22 from 5-6 p.m. We will review the information outlined in this letter and other important information before releasing families to visit our gardens and enjoy light refreshments provided by The Vegetable Project.

Important dates and events

Finally, I would like to share the following dates for various important school events.  Please be sure to mark these dates on your calendars!

  • Parent Information Night: Tuesday, Aug. 22, 5-6 p.m.
  • Student Orientation: Sept. 7 (Grade 6 Sage, Grade 7 Union, Grade 8 Siena and Mrs. Peck, Mrs. Seay, and Mrs. Busch’s classes)
  • Student Orientation: Sept. 8 (Grade 6 U91, Grade 7 RPI, Grade 8 St. Rose and Mr. Underwood, Mrs. Conklin, Mr. Weklar’s classes) 
  • Labor Day (no school): Monday, Sept.  5
  • Open House: Wednesday, Sept. 20, 5-6:30 p.m.
  • Back to School Lunch BBQ for students: Friday, Sept.  22
  • Yom Kippur (no school): Monday, Sept. 25
  • PAL After School program begins: Tuesday, Sept. 26
  • Thacher Park Team Building Grade 6: Tuesday, Oct. 10-Wednesday, Oct. 11
  • Q1 Interim grades close: Friday, Oct. 13
  • Columbus Day (no school): Monday, Oct.  9
  • Early dismissal for staff professional development: Wednesday, Oct. 18
  • Picture Day: Tuesday, Oct. 24-Wed October 25
  • Spirit Week: Monday, Oct. 23-Thursday, Oct. 26
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences & Teen Night: Thursday, Oct. 26
  • Parent-Teacher Conference Day (no school): Friday, Oct.  27
  • Q1 Grades Close: Thursday, Nov.  9
  • Veteran’s Day (no school): Friday, November 10
  • Early dismissal for staff professional development: Wednesday, Nov. 15
  • Q1 Ice Cream Social for students: Friday, Nov. 17 - Tuesday, Nov. 21
  • School picture makeups: Tuesday, Nov. 21
  • Myers Winter Concert and Art Show: Tuesday, Dec. 12 at 6:30 p.m.

For the one-page family wall calendar, please visit the

We look forward to a  successful 2023-24 school year for all of our students. It will require that we work together to ensure our children receive the school experience they deserve! We ask that you review all of this information at home with your child(ren) prior to the start of school.  Now more than ever, it is critical that we are “All in for 91!”

If you have any additional grade-specific questions, please call 518-475-6425 or contact:

  • Attendance: Joe Burke - 
  • Grade 6: Suzann Cornell - 
  • Grade 7: Amelia Gallagher - 
  • Grade 8: Mike Teator - 
  • Security: Harry Hart - 

Respectfully Yours,

William S. Rivers
