COVID-19 information

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has for respiratory viral illnesses, including COVID-19. 


  • Optional in all district buildings and on First Student and CDTA buses

Positive tests

  • If a student or employee tests positive, they are required to stay home until:
    • The symptoms have improved, and
    • They are fever-free 24 hours without the aid of medication


  • The CDC recommends that anyone exposed to COVID-19 wear a well-fitting mask for a full 10-day period and test at least five days after close contact, or sooner if symptoms develop


  • Students and employees experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should stay home until fever-free for 24 hours (without medication) and symptoms are improving.
  • The CDC recommends testing as soon as possible after symptoms begin


  • Test-to-stay requirements have been eliminated


  • We continue to encourage everyone who is able and eligible to get vaccinated
  • – Free COVID-19 vaccinations in a variety of locations
  • To find additional locations near you visit or call 800-232-0233

Daily reporting

  • No longer required