K-5 NWEA assessments begin Monday

City School District of 91福利导航 logo

The City School District of 91福利导航 will conduct NWEA testing in English Language Arts and Math for all students in kindergarten through fifth grade beginning Monday.

This is an assessment we would normally administer three times a year; however, due to COVID-19 we are only administering the winter and spring assessment.

This is not an achievement assessment; there is no information to study or prepare for in advance. The results will only be used to determine the course of instruction for the remainder of the year.

Students enrolled in distance learning will take the NWEA tests via Google Meet with guidance from their teachers. NWEA testing will continue through March 12.

NWEA tests are a tool the district uses to assess student growth over time. Students typically take the assessments in the fall, winter and spring. However, the district did not conduct NWEA testing last fall due to COVID-19.

The March assessment will provide a reference that will allow our schools to measure student growth since the last NWEA assessment prior to the pandemic a year ago.

You can for more information about NWEA testing, including information translated into multiple languages.

The district is not conducing NWEA testing at the secondary level this school year due to the number of students being virtual and the limited resources available to administer the assessment.